In line with the State Government’s election commitment, on 9 March 2023 the Legislative Council formed a Committee to inquire into the hunting of native waterbirds.
The Committee is now calling for submissions.
Submissions play a critical role in the Committee recommending a permanent ban of waterbird shooting, and the Government then following this recommendation and legislating the ban in Parliament.
The Committee will consider a range of issues related to the shooting of waterbirds, with particular reference to:
Community values and perspective;
Cultural, social and recreational aspects;
Sustainability, environmental and animal welfare aspects of native bird hunting;
Economic considerations;
Perspectives of First Nations;
How native bird hunting is managed in other jurisdictions; and
Any other relevant matter
Any individual or organisation wishing to make a written submission to the Committee, or register an interest in presenting oral evidence to the Committee, is invited to do so by Friday, 19 May 2023.
Written submissions and expressions of interest should be addressed to the Secretary to the Committee, C/- Parliament House, GPO Box 572, Adelaide 5001, or emailed to
Please note that it is extremely important to write submissions that are unique and personal – if the Committee feels that the same submission has been submitted multiple times, it will be treated like a petition and will significantly reduce the impact of your submission.
Please also note the importance of addressing a wide variety of issues that relate to waterbird shooting. The suffering inflicted on waterbirds is of course a significant issue, but the greater the diversity of issues raised, addressed, demonstrated and supported by evidence, the more likely the committee will see no other option but to vote for a permanent ban of waterbird shooting. Addressing even just one of these issues will be extremely helpful, there is no need to address all of them unless you want to.