According to Lou de Louw, long-time Aldinga resident and dedicated purveyor of all things musical through Lou’s Shack in Port Rd, Aldinga, the Open Mic sessions are all about getting Live Music out there.
“We present artists in music and spoken word to an audience in a ‘feel good’ environment,” says Lou, and the approach seems to be popular with the public.
Lou has been presenting Open Mic events at a number of venues in the precinct for a couple of years now, most recently at Kickback Brewing in Aldinga, where we caught up with him recently.
A succession of talented musicians, singers and instrumentalists, stood in front of the microphone during the course of evening to strut their stuff in front of an appreciative audience.
While many of those performing were experienced musicians, the evening also featured a number of young musician, including Sophie Ford (pictured left) who was making her very first appearance in front of a live audience.
“Whether you’re an old hand or an absolute beginner, there’s a place for you at Open Mic,’ said Lou. “So dust off the guitar case and get those vocal cords fired up!”
Would-be performers can head to the event page at (2) Lou’s Shack Open Mic | Facebook to sign up, or you can just roll on up to enjoy the show.
Main picture: James CZ backing up Lou de Louw in a rousing rendition of “The Aldinga Song.”