A new exhibition called Art of the Willunga District’s Built Heritage will be staged at the Onkaparinga Gallery at the Onkaparinga Arts Centre at Port Noarlunga between 16 September and 24 October 2022.
The exhibition aims to inspire, interest and educate visitors about the long, and continuing, tradition of artistic representations of heritage buildings, historic sites and past events in the Willunga District.
Curated by the National Trust of South Australia (Willunga Branch), the exhibition will feature original artworks including oil paintings, watercolour paintings and drawings of the built environment such as heritage buildings, historic sites and events in the Willunga District including Willunga, Aldinga, Port Willunga, McLaren Vale and other locations.
These artworks will feature the work of past and present artists such as Anton Riebe, Valerie Wright, Frank Barrett, Jane Price, Chris Olsen, Peg Berry, Lesley Redgate, G.F. Gregory junior and others.
The National Trust (Willunga) has a number of suitable art works, but are also seeking to borrow a number of similar built-heritage artworks held in private collections for the exhibition. If you have a potentially suitable artwork that you are willing to discuss a loan for the duration of this exhibition, please contact:
Mark Staniforth
National Trust (Willunga)
0408 802 918