Well done Tony King of Aldinga Beach, the inaugural winner of our Poetry Prize, (see photo above) who has submitted another entry to the Aldinga Village Voice Poetry Prize, and is now again in the running to win a $25 gift voucher from our good friends at Fleurieu Roast coffee roastery at Aldinga.
Submit your entry now.
Submissions of 300 words or less are preferred, and should be sent as a Word Document or Text File to info@aldingavillagevoice.com.au
The Judges’ decision is final.
Winners will be announced by return email.
And here is Tony’s poem:
The seas once kissed the coast,
licked its wounds,
washed away man’s sins.
Once silver sands
now stained by sewers,
slicks of oil
and sludge from farms
that fuel our slaughterhouses.
Trash swept beneath the waves,
out of sight,
out of mind.
The oceans are full now,
they can take no more
and cast back our wastes
throwing them up
upon the shore.
A barrage of plastic bottles
surf silently to the beach,
though they may be empty
their messages are clear.
The sirens are silent now
we did not listen,
their songs lost forever
Tony King